Lab work-1


Overview of SQL Server 2019 Databases and Analysis Services. Create a Sample Database Schema using SQL Server Management Studio.

MS SQL Server:

Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a commercial DBMS supporting both structured and unstructured data sources, scaling to petabytes of data. While highly optimized primarily for OLTP use cases (, it can also be configured to work as an OLAP DBMS.

SQL Server Management Studio:

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a software launched with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. It is used for configuring, managing and administering all components with Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated environment used for SQL infrastructure.

SQL Server management Studio also called as SSMS, SSMS is free It can be installed with Windows and it allow to connect and manage MS SQL Server.

Installing MS SQL Server 2019 (Express Edition):

2. Download Express edition

3. Choose custom installation mode.

4. Set Mixed mode authentication.

5. Set password.

6. Keep other settings default and complete the installation.

7. Done.

Configuring SQL Server Management Studio:

2. Install SSMS with default configuration.

3. Start SSMS from start menu.

4. Enter SQL server password. Click Connect.

5. You're now connected to MS SQL server!!!

Creating a table in SMSS:

1.  Create a database

2. Create a table: Under your database (here TestDB), right-click on the Tables folder, and then select Table from the drop-down list:

3. Fill up column details

5. Once you’re done, click on Save

6. Enter table name

7. Done!! You should now see the new table (dbo.Person) under the Tables folder associated with your database

Inserting values to the table:

You can add values into a table by using an insert query:

INSERT INTO Database_Name.Table_Name (Column1_Name, Column2_Name,...)


('Column1_Value1', 'Column2_Value2',...),

('Column1_Value3', 'Column2_Value4',...)
Verify that the values got inserted into the table

select * from TestDB.dbo.Person
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